Rie Munoz, Mendenhall Game Refuge Wetlands, Juneau, Alaska – Image 2652

Oct 1, 2013 | 0 comments

As a photojournalist I am asked to do portraits of people all of the time. One of my favorite subjects in Juneau is Rie Munoz. Rie is a neighbor, a friend and probably the most recognized and famous artist in Alaska. I have been fortunate to do about five photo sessions with her over the years. For all her fame and fortune, she is the most down to earth, pleasant person you would ever like to meet. She photographs so easy and so willing to take direction, I always look forward to a photo shoot with Rie. Rie is always out sketching and brings her sketch book with her wherever she goes. She takes her field sketches back to her studio to produce the finished piece. She is almost always with a dog and I thought it was important to show all of this in the photo. The industry refers to these portraits as environmental portraits. Enjoy the image and thanks for visiting. Camera body: Nikon F3, Lens: Nikkor 20mm f2.8, 35mm Fuji Velvia slide film.© Mark Kelley

“As a kid in Buffalo, New York, I always wondered what it would be like to encounter a whale,” says Mark Kelley. Learn more about Mark…