The Alaska Grizzly Bar, Juneau, Alaska #3377

Nov 24, 2020

When Juneau’s annual Public Market got cancelled due to COVID, I went looking for outdoor locations where I could sign and sell my 2021 calendars. The first place that came to mind was the Griz Bar, Juneau’s newest sensation and an open-air bar. Also known as the Alaska Grizzly Bar, the Griz opened this past summer and is located across from the downtown library and parking garage. I approached Jake Haas, one of the owners and a long-time family friend, about signing at the Griz Bar during this holiday season. Jake along with his partners agreed. So, come by on Black Friday or Sunday and have a hot toddy and say hello, check out the 2021 calendars and I will sign them for you. Looking forward to seeing you – Camera: #Nikon #D850, Lens: # Nikkor 24-70mm, Digital Capture, Tripod ©Mark Kelley

“As a kid in Buffalo, New York, I always wondered what it would be like to encounter a whale,” says Mark Kelley. Learn more about Mark…