White Pass & Yukon Route Railroad, Skagway, Alaska – Image 2682

Oct 1, 2013 | 0 comments

The 2011 marks the 17th edition of the Southeast Alaska Calendar. As a challenge to myself, I try to put a new photo of the White Pass train in each edition. I think I may have missed only one year. I often shoot aerials from a helicopter (like this image). Three years ago when I rented the helicopter for the shoot, the helicopter rented for something like $1,500 per hour. Since it’s so expensive, I try to get three photos for three different calendar editions in this one hour shoot. I wait for the perfect, clear day and super focus (concentrate) my photographic abilities to make the most out of my $1,500 hour. I have run out of train images so I am waiting for that perfect day this summer. This image illustrates the month of July in my 2011 Southeast Alaska calendar. Enjoy the photo and thanks for visiting. Camera body: Nikon f5, Lens: Nikkor 20-35mm f2.8, 35mm slide film, Fuji Velvia, ASA 100, hand held, polarized, digitally scanned© Mark Kelley

“As a kid in Buffalo, New York, I always wondered what it would be like to encounter a whale,” says Mark Kelley. Learn more about Mark…